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Our dealership will be closed for Family Day on Monday February 17th.

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Scarsview Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Fiat DO PICKUP TRUCKS NEED WINTER TIRES?

Scarsview Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Fiat DO PICKUP TRUCKS NEED WINTER TIRES?

If you drive a truck in Toronto, you know that reliability is an essential factor in your ride. Whether you spend time working in your truck, hauling and towing, or you use the truck for off-road adventures, it needs to be up to par wherever you go. That includes the snow and ice. With the proper tires, you can get around without a problem no matter what you're doing or where you're going in your truck.


Why Winter Tires?



With the many inches of snow that falls every year, bad weather is a part of life in the winter. This can have a real impact on your truck's ability to handle the roads. Its traction and handling capabilities will be affected when the roads are slick, increasing the chances of an accident. Many accidents occur when the weather is wet, snowy, or icy. These accidents could result in serious injuries. However, fortunately, winter tires provide the support your truck needs on the road to be safe. The traction and safety features in winter tires will enhance safety and peace of mind while driving.


Winter tires consist of a rubbery substance that does not harden as much with cold temperatures. It stays more flexible in cold temperatures, allowing you to grip the snowy roads and stay safe. They are also created with a specially designed tread pattern that is much deeper than regular tire tread. It an improve the traction on snowy, icy roads. Additionally, winter truck tires have small slits around the tire that cut into the ice and snow, helping you maintain your grip on the road.


Do You Need Winter Tires?



If you plan on using your truck in the winter weather, you could use winter tires. Anything less will put you at risk for slipping and sliding on the road. Chances are you will see some snow and ice this winter, so don't take a chance on your truck and your safety.


Even if you don't expect much snow or ice, it still makes sense to get winter tires on your truck because the way winter tires are constructed will work better in the cold temperatures.


What's Next?



Go ahead and make your appointment today for a set of new winter tires for your truck. Whether your truck is new or old, it pays to have a set of tires for the winter. Get in touch with Scarsview dealership today.

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